Sunday, December 8, 2019

5 Bibile Verses for Teachers

Being a Teacher isn`t easy. You will be handling numerous students with different attitudes, personalities, cultures, family backgrounds, etc. With these factors, you should be dealing with their needs, attention, and deep understanding of each of them.
 That`s why teachers need encouragement every day to brighten up their day and keep motivated in teaching. 
 Here are the three (3) Bible verses for Teachers.

1. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13

   This verse should be in our minds always. As we teachers,  I know that we have a lot of work inside and outside of the school. Being a teacher doesn't end in our classroom. All-day long, and even weekends,  we are still a teacher. So, every time, you will work or do tasks given to you, remember that you can do all things because God is with you and He will strengthen you.

2. "For I know the plans I have for you... plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". - Jeremiah 29:11 

  Everything happens for a reason. We are a teacher not by accident, this is what the Lords want for us to be. There`s a reason why we became a teacher. Maybe, God knows that we can inspire many students, or maybe God led us to this profession because He knows that this can help us to be a better person. We may not know the reason or the purpose of why we are in this profession, but I am sure it is God`s will. We may have many plans in our life but the Lord`s plan will prevail. 

3. "Let all that you do be done in love" - 1  Corinthians 16:14
Let us remind ourselves of this verse every day. This verse can help us to make our tasks and working day flow smoothly. If you do it by love, everything around you will keep shining and filled with love. We, teachers, expressed our love in a selfless way when it comes to our students. Let the students feel that they are loved. Give them a hug. Surely, this hug of yours can come back to you with a kiss.
They say that, if you embrace and love your work surely your work will love you too.

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